An interview with Steve Magill, author of the book “Revelation and the Age of Antichrist”
By Guy Boulianne | On 02/08/2016 | Comments (0)
Steve Magill is a retired pastor with over forty years in the ministry. He continues to teach and write on the last days, evangelism, and Christian growth. He hasfour grown children and two teenage boys. He lives in Southwestern Pennsylvania surrounded by the foothills of the Allegheny Mountains.
“Revelation and the Age of Antichrist” is a brief commentary on the book of Revelation. It follows the natural ordering of the book of Revelation. By following the order of the book of Revelation, the ordering of last day events are placed in their proper ordering.
How many books have you written? If more than one, are any a series… or trilogy?
This is my third book. My first book is 48 pages and was written to support my evangelistic efforts to leave with those I speak to about Jesus Christ. It focuses on scientific and historical rationale for believing in God versus not believing. My second book is a collection of stories written in a fairy tale, fantasy styel that I told to my six children over the years. My youngest son came to me one day when he was about ten and said, “Dad, if you put your stories in a book, I could read it and put it on my school reading list.” I did, and he did.
Tell us a little about your book.
“Revelation and the Age of Antichrist” is a brief commentary on the biblical book of Revelation. Its focus is to follow the natural order of the book of Revelation and let its literary transitions and flow of thought reveal a timeline of earth’s final years when the one called the Antichrist is upon the world scene.
Many have asked “Why anyone should want to read and try to understand what many call such a confusing book?” It’s an important book to read because it is the only book in the Bible where we are given a picture of God giving the Revelation directly to Jesus to give to His people. Not only did God give the revelation directly, He gave the revelation in picture form with sound. He gave an hour and a half video so John could write down exactly what He said without reinterpreting the imagery. This revelation is so important that there is also a promise of a special “blessing” to all who reads, hears, and embraces the revelation.
What I find amazing about the book of Revelation is that what the Apostle John had written down as his future is now our present. With all that is going on in our world today with Great Britain, the United States, Russia, and Islam, we find that the book of Revelation reveals why Great Britain and the United States are giving leadership to the world today at the same time that Russia is making many alliances with its Islamic neighbors, Islam is spreading its terror on every continent, and our world leaders increasing talk of moving toward a new world order where the nation’s economy merge as one.
Do you have plans for a new book?
Actually I am finishing up a book now that will soon be going to press. The premise of the book is, Does God have a prophetic/historical timeline outlined in Scripture that has a beginning, an end, and a sequence of events that does not need to be rearranged and reasoned into place? The resounding answer is—yes! When we know God’s timeline, we also know the ordering of last day events and where we are on the prophetic timeline. You can be on the lookout for its release by going to my website at
Cats or dogs?
Okay, since you asked … it is definitely dogs. What can I say … dogs are definitely man’s best friend.
Where can your readers stalk you?
Stalkers can visit with me at: