We design the layout of your book
The layout is the operation of graphical layout of the editorial content in a word processor to format the text spread over several pages, and print the generated document. It succeeds the work of writing and composing content, and often precedes the work of printing. It aims to represent content in a hierarchical and harmonious way, in order to facilitate a reading process on several levels, with a constant concern for ergonomics.
We like to work with authors.
This service is therefore intended for the professional design and formatting of your inner book. You will receive a formatted PDF (no WORD file), ready to be published on print-on-demand and broadcast services such as Lulu, Createspace and other online platforms and freelance printers.
We prefer to do the layout from scratch. We do not want to fix errors in already formatted files. We do not accept pdf files (only doc, docx, odt or rtf).
Above is an example of page layout
What you will get:
- We offer four formats of your choice: digest (5.5 x 8.5 in), novel (6 x 9 in), Standard (5 x 8 in) and pocket (4.25 x 6.87 in);
- Professional layout;
- A Title page;
- A copyright notice page;
- Numbering of pages;
- Table of Contents (if necessary);
- Integration of the ISBN / EAN 13 number (if available);
- Comes in PDF format ready for printing.
We only make the layout for literary works (novel, science fiction, fantasy, fantastic, biography, story, news, testimony, essay, non-fiction, etc.) and poetry collections. The price calculation is very easy to do: we charge $1.00 per page (Letter or A4 format, Times New Roman, 12 pts) for literary works, or $1.00 per poem for collections of poetry. The book will include a copyright notice page including your 13-digit ISBN / EAN number and a copyright notice. The Copyright page will appear after the Title page.
© 2019 Name of the author. All rights reserved.
ISBN 978-1-123-4567-8
OPTIONAL: Receive the PDF file in eBook format (including the cover of your book) - $ 75
Ask for a quote
Please send us your manuscript in Word (DOC), Open Office (ODT) or Rich Text Format (RTF) format. No PDF file is accepted. Your file must be Letter or A4, Times New Roman, 12 pts. We only accept literary works (novel, science fiction, fantasy, fantastic, biography, story, news, testimony, essay, non-fiction, etc.) and poetry collections: no pictures, no tables, no diagrams . After analysis, we will send you a quote in the form of a Paypal invoice. If it suits you, you can pay with ease (Visa or Mastercard). Otherwise, the invoice will be deleted after 30 days. We thank you for your interest.
Only $1.00 per page or poem